To achieve a basic understanding of division - to divide things up.
Subject: Math
Appropriate Keywords: Division,
Appropriate Materials: None,
To achieve a basic understanding of division - to divide things up.
Subject: Math
Appropriate Keywords: Division,
Appropriate Materials: None,
To demonstrate how the Earth rotates, resulting in day and night.
Subject: Science
Appropriate Keywords: Climate, Seasons, Sun,
Appropriate Materials: A Globe and Flashlight, Signs with Your Location (Optional),
To understand the difference between transparent, translucent, and opaque. To see how watering down paint affects these qualities.
Subject: Science
Appropriate Keywords: Colour, Light,
Appropriate Materials: None,
In this model, we build things with our bodies. We create both simple and complex objects and look at how the individual parts of an object each have a role to play in achieving the overall purpose of the object. This is a KEY LESSON as the process described here can be used to create anything.
Subject: Science
Appropriate Keywords: Building Things,
Appropriate Materials: None,
To introduce adding and subracting. By being the objects being counted, the students get to understand the relationship between the written numbers and actual objects.
Subject: Math Science
Appropriate Keywords: Adding, Subtracting,
Appropriate Materials: None,