To show that fractions with 10 as the denominator, and percentages, and decimals all mean the same thing. e.g. 10%, .1 and 1/10 are all the same.
Appropriate Grades: Grade 5,
Appropriate Materials: None,
To demonstrate the use of equations and the role of parenthesis within equations.
Appropriate Grades: Grade 5,
Appropriate Keywords: Equations,
Appropriate Materials: None,
To use coordinates on a graph to find locations.
Appropriate Grades: Grade 4,
Appropriate Materials: None,
This lesson plan is broken into a series of lessons that introduce fractions by acting out scenarios where groups need to be divided up in various ways.
Appropriate Grades: Grade 4,
Appropriate Materials: None,
To understand how to measure the area , perimeter and volume of square and rectangular objects.
Appropriate Grades: Grade 3,
Appropriate Keywords: Measuring,
Appropriate Materials: None,
To introduce basic multiplication techniques and to link those to equations on paper.
Appropriate Grades: Grade 2,
Appropriate Materials: None,